The Phantasm, Deposition, and The Curator: Chapter 2


Chapter 2: The Deposition

(Somewhere in a Biological and Environmental Science research lab, a phone rings amidst distinct murmur. – Location Unknown)

Caller: “Hello, kindly connect this call to Dr. Lennox. Prime Minister Edward Williams wants to speak with him.”

The research center executive immediately transferred the call to the institute’s head, Dr. James Lennox.

Dr. Lennox: “Good Afternoon Mr. Williams!”

PM Williams: “What is the current situation like? Do you have an update about the developments? Any idea when we could get past this?”

Dr. Lennox: “I am not sure, sir. We’re unable to understand the samples we received. There is an unsettling pattern the virus follows, and it appears to be foreign. We have attempted to verify this peculiarity with other labs, and surprisingly, the pattern is different everywhere! However, it is apparent that the virus does not impact primates. There is absolutely no change in the chimps’ behavior. We assure you that we are trying our best, but now, our final shot is a complete lockdown. The virus may remain airborne for days.”

PM Williams: “That seems problematic. I have advised the security agencies to keep a check on any unfamiliar activity. Anyway, keep me updated with the latest developments.”

Dr. Lennox: “Right on it, Sir!”

(On the ‘Hope Island’ – Where Anthony arrived today, early in the morning)

Chris: “Professor Kipling, we have arranged all the equipment you requested, and are waiting for you to proceed further. The readings are with us. However, a specific sound with an ultra-low frequency has been detected. We are trying to decode it. Here, you may listen to it.”

Anthony: “OMG, Chris! That’s a ‘Bloop’. If I am not wrong, the ‘Bloop’ was heard of, many years ago, and is native to the west of South America. Keep reading it and alert me if you notice a change in pattern, no matter how insignificant.”

Chris: “Working on it, professor!”

Meanwhile, little Ethan was with his mommy, strolling, and playing in the adjoining garden. Suddenly, he heard chirping sounds behind the bushes. As the curious kid he was, Ethan tried to find the source of the noise, and passed through the bushes. Trying to make his way through, Ethan’s leg got entangled between the creepers. The young boy was terrified and called out to his mommy for help.

As soon as she heard Ethan’s voice, Sarah rushed towards him, and saw her little boy stuck between the thick bushes. As she began untangling him, a rather exquisite sight caught her eye.

It was a colony of beautiful puffins!

Sarah lifted Ethan on her shoulder and pointed towards the serene view.

Sarah: “Ethan, do you see these beautiful birds? They’re called puffins. They spend most of their time in the ocean and return to land when they breed. Then, they give birth to many beautiful babies, just like you! Come, let us head back to our room.”

Ethan: “I don’t want to go, mommy, I want to play. There’s nothing here that I could play with, and all my toys are back home. I want to go home!”

Sarah: “But, darling, your T-Rex right there in the room. Let’s go wake him up!”

Hearing his mommy, Ethan happily agreed and began running towards their room, ensuring that he won this little race.

Even though she hid her feelings well when her son was around, Sarah felt a sense of disappointment when she realized Ethan’s frustration.

Back inside the room, she turned on the television. Their temporary establishment was very comfortable and made of containers that held all the essentials. It was certainly a safe place amid the pandemic.

(Television broadcasting the news): “…. The Prime Minister’s office had advised every citizen to observe strict isolation. However, groups of people in several locations are reportedly panic-buying and shopping, despite the lockdown. More than 150,000 deaths have now been reported across the globe, with South America leading the death toll with over 90,000 fatalities…”

Suddenly, the live broadcast cut off, and the streaming was disturbed. The television screen turned grainy.

“This could be due to bad weather,” thought Sarah.

Unsure and unaware of what was about to come, she turned off the television and walked into the kitchen. Sarah recognized two of Chris’ subordinates, who were busy cooking a meal. She went up to them and asked if she could help. The two men gladly invited her to join them.

(Meanwhile at Downing Street)

Associate: “Sir, we have received an email from an unknown sender, without a subject. But, there’s a photograph of a rose attached, followed by a number, ‘91137154’.

PM Williams: “Well, that’s strange. I don’t recognize it, nor am I associated with the numbers listed. It’s neither my birthdate, anniversary, nor a familiar date at all!

Associate: “Sir, we have sent the email’s copy to the Director of National Security. He just called and affirmed that he would get back to us as soon as possible. The number appears to be a code, or something similar.”

The next moment, there was a strong and sharp knock at the Prime Minister’s office door. Just as the associate opened the door, another associate, who looked visibly worried, asked them to turn on the television.

When the television was turned on, color blocks resembling a test card vector, emerged on the screen. They tried switching channels, but the vectors remained unchanged.

The associate who brought in the update, informed them about similar reports being registered worldwide. It appeared as if someone was controlling the entire satellite system! As a result, Prime Minister William ordered an immediate and urgent inquiry and a call with one of the State’s Secretaries.

At Hope Island, Chris continued closely observing radio signals and random CCTV footage he received from different researchers around the world. He had requested his connections for the tapes, for further research.

Countless deaths had also been reported, in huge numbers, especially in South America. The mass death toll also included a team of medical officials.

Chris realized that it was already very late and decided to retire for the night. However, he let himself review the last footage he received. When Chris played it, his jaw dropped, and within a blink of an eye, he called out to Anthony in a loud voice.

Chris (Loud shout): “Anthony! Anthony! Hurry up; you need to check this out right now!”

The subordinates also accompanied Anthony, as they rushed towards the server facility. They began looking at the footage, which possibly belonged to a hospital in an unknown location, in Brazil.

Despite the footage being hazy, it was possible to make out the events on screen, and what they saw terrified them!

The recording depicted a multi-bed facility room where people were dying, and doctors fell on the floor, unconscious.

Then, everything turned silent, and there was absolutely no movement around the bodies.

Suddenly, the main door opened, and a man wearing a red suit walked into the facility. After a few moments, he ceased walking.

He looked to his left, then to his right, and raised his hands to his shoulders. Then, he clapped three times.

The malicious scowl on his face was horrifying.

Shocked and appalled, each one of them stood up.

Strong winds continued blowing through the windows, almost resembling the sound of a catastrophic cry.

Chapter 3 Coming Soon! Stay Tuned!

Part 2 of 3 short stories that are sure to take you on a journey like no other! This chapter is free-to-read, so don't miss out!

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  1. Pingback: The Phantasm, Deposition, and The Curator: Chapter 1 – Nathan Pratyksh Khanna

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