Jiddle & Tim goes Tobogganing


Somewhere up in the French Alps… A stream burbled through the pine woods during summers, appeared to be lost beneath the colossal bed of soft snow.

“Good Morning!” said Tim! (Yawning after a long and comfortable hibernation.)

“Hey Jiddle, look, winter is here; where are you?” (Shouted Tim in excitement).

A sound of “Thud” appeared from a short distance as if a fresh slab of snow fell from a Pine tree nearby.

“Ugh! I was dreaming of tobogganing; who woke me up?” said Jiddle. Suddenly a cobble of fresh snow collected on the pine over his head fell right on his head…. “Ouch”, he said.

There you are, my fidus achates!” (Shouted Tim in excitement.)

Looking at Tim, Jiddle jumped in excitement, and both danced silly in the snow, welcoming the first snow of the winter.

“Yay… winter is back!” both sang and enjoyed the first snowfall while making snow angels.

“Jiddle, what were you dreaming? I heard tobogganing.” Asked Tim.

“Yes, it was such a beautiful dream, but I am not sad since we have snow. All we need is a good sledge.” Jiddle replied.

Hearing this, they both smirked, and that’s about it. They both looked at each other as if standing in agreement to build a ledge and enjoy tobogganing. But then they realized that they need a solid bark to turn their dream into reality, and to do this, they needed to find some ancient trees. So they decided to hike to the top of the mountain to see the trees with solid barks. Playfully, they kept walking while hitting each other with snow balls, forgetting they had come on the top, way above the forest.

“Hey, what’s that? Someone was trying to build a snowman here but forgot to build its head?” asked Tim out of curiosity.

Tim decided to be innovative by throwing a big snowball right on the giant ball of snow, which appeared to be a half-done snowman. The hit was a bullseye, but the snow cover on that snowman fell, exposing it to be some boulder. Suddenly, both Jiddle n Tim felt tremors below their legs and turned out the boulder to roll down from this top of the hill.

Tim jumped right on the shoulders of Jiddle, and Jiddle rushed down the hill while the boulder started gaining its size behind them. Then, with Tim on Jiddle’s shoulder and the big ball of snow behind them, both of them screaming rushed right towards the forest.

The giant ball was unstoppable! As they entered the forest, the boulder bulldozed all the trees coming to its way. The forest ended soon; Jiddle and Tim jumped to the left, escaping the giant ball by a millimetre.

“Jiddle, are you alright?” Asked Tim.

“Yes, but it was pretty cool!” Replied Jiddle, and they both gave each other a high five.

That was the moment right there when they saw something which froze them for a moment. Jiddle and Tim’s eyes turned big and brighter, and a pleasant smile appeared on their faces. Tim calmly asked Jiddle looking at that thing, “Jiddle, let’s go tobogganing!” A big bark appeared after that boulder hit trees, making it seem like a perfect sledge.

“Yay!” They both jumped with joy and 3, 2, 1… there you go!

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